
Want to get in touch? Please e-mail: or use the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

We are located in the Guild of Students, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, B152TT

11 responses

6 07 2008
Alistair Clarke

I’ll start my second year of studying English and Philosophy at Birmingham in October. When I started my first year I was interested in the debating society but, being forgetful, I never did anything about it. I’m not vastly interested in public debating but with the time I spend on computers and my love of a good argument I feel I would be ideally suited for the occasional weighty blog.

Anyway, this is me registering my interest. Let me know what you think.

7 07 2008
Debating Society

Hi Alistair, great to hear from you! With regard to public debating it’s something I think people should give a go and see if it is for them, if you came to a workshop you’ll be able to see what it’s like along with getting a feel for the society. Also you may be interested in our public debates if you want to see some good arguments.

We’d love for you to contribute with an occasional weighty blog! You can write it on whatever you like, whenever you like and it will give you the chance to get really engaged with some good arguments. If you’d like to blog then e-mail us at and we’ll get in touch.

20 10 2008
Md.Mizanur Rahman

I am immensly pleased to see your activities.I am also a debater and showing my performance in various competetion.I want to get involve with your activities.




8 12 2008
Charles Barwell


I sent you an email last week asking if UBDS could host at The Guild and provide a judge for the ESU’s Schools Public Speaking competition in February.

Could you please let me know if this would be possible?

with thanks

Charles Barwell

8 12 2008
Debating Society

Hi Charles, the next committee meeting is soon and we’ll be discussing it then.

24 04 2009
Fari Amoli

I am a private individual (not a B/ham student) and would like to know if it’s possible to join your Debating Society. If so, please indicate terms and conditions.

Than you

Fari Amoli

21 08 2009

PLEASE HELP! DANGER: – DEADLY POISONS! If you are aware of the Evil, CODEX abyss! ‘RAPPED POPULATION REDUCTION’ please forgive this intrusion. GOOD LUCK!

Hi this email is to WARN you your love ones friends and colleagues and urge you and them to watch: – youtube ( Population Reduction NANP Conference ) (10 mins)

A secret bill going through Parliament NOW! The CODEX ALIMANTARIUS Law BANS Nutrients i.e. the vitamins/minerals in foods and supplements, in the very near future, all Nutrients unless stopped, made illegal like CRACK! All fresh food including fresh ORGANIC food irradiated KILLING the “illegal” VITAL ‘life giving’ Nutrients. All fresh food, processed food, and all meats SPIKED with DEADLY POISONS made legal by this law! Designed to destroy YOUR health and health of your love ones in a population cull! And as things are going it won’t take long. Poisoned food stock piled abroad, fights back; show courage and disdain.

Set up by invisible global manufactures working for the NEW WORLD ORDER (i.e. NEW TYPE OF STARLINISUM.) Through the W.H.O, W.T.O the CODEX ALIMANTARIUS LAW allows food to be used as a DEADLY WEAPON
“Of MASS HUMAN destruction.” The W.T.O agreement disguised in the CODEX put to and excepted by 120 + countries, pushed through the EU into the U K (Optimum Population. Trust. (ILLUMINARTI) and set to come into being on 31st of DECEMBER 2009 ‘NEW YEARS EVE.’

“Who’s CELEBRATING?” Corrupt Free Masons!!! Doctors and others in authority aware of the CODEX must begin to Speak Out on behalf of the people, all the PEOPLE! The idea, to ‘KILL jobs, then POISON the middle class workers’ (first the sheep must be fleeced) hence full role out after the recession 2012. This is no joke! Body disposal: – MEGA Carcinerators built by then. It will happen unless the law is STOPPED in Perliment, before Christmas! The odd thing is our MP’s know and have said nothing yet! This looks like the Acanazi WWIII. Know your ENEMY’S eye opening PLEASE watch, truth behind the ww2 HOLOCOST
( youtube Money Masters: Who REALLY rules the world ) (3 ½ Hours)

The petition ends 5th September and time really flies.
“Do Not Go Gently” For Queen, Country and Church!
My, very best regard.
Al. (We need a rally in opposition to the CODEX)

P.S. WARN other as you have been warned lets get this law STOPPED. If the Government let this LAW through and Supermarkets sell poisoned foods, and those who know say nothing, its an act of GENOCIDE a CRIME, against ALL the British People, please HELP! “SPEAK OUT!” lets get it STOPPED!
E.g. Lack of vitamins/minerals coursers over eating, leading to over weigh, cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc Malnutrition= weight loss, scurvy, rackets, berry-berry, heart failure etc, all terrible and preventable. Chloride/bleach used by the Nazis as a chemical weapon, in water is highly carcinogenic. (Poor children) Hitler and the Nazis first banded Smoking! If you can make the SHEEP give up smoking you can get them to do anything. (Holocaust) Smoking is still allowed in the Houses of Parliament; NO nutrient supplements when in hospital no matter how ill you are. (Lose your appetite you DIE!) Did you know under the new pay deal its now illegal for MD’s to tell you that your vitamin deficient! Irradiated food in the shops now, Estrogen in plastics, Mercury in fillings, Fluoride in tooth paste, Aspartame in every drink, but, All nothing to that, we have YET not seen! Will Tamiflu dock in you? Masons, big on child abuse and those that let the CODE ‘X’ loose. Big money in Cancer! We’ve been setup! (Buy Fresh, Buy Local, or buy supplements!) Cheque out youtube before having the pig vaccine? “FIGHT BACK” we are NOT sheep! Lets do what we can, get it STOPPED. Please HELP! Lets ‘ WAKE UP!’ remember the poor Jewish people who went into DENIAL WWII.

25 09 2009
Rai Furniss

Good Afternoon;

I was hoping to come to the first meeting next Wednesday at 2pm (30th Sept 09) but unfortunately I have to give a presentation to my course mates at that time – is it OK for me to show up for the first time on the second week of term?


26 09 2009

Hi Rai,

That’s absolutely fine : )


28 09 2009

hi, i am the ma student from Taiwan.
I would like to know if it is possible for me to attend the society as a
listener ? Because my english maybe not be good enough to debate.

29 09 2009

Hi Scarlett,

That’s absolutely fine, though we encourage you to debate : )
Debating is about the ideas that you put forward, not your proficiency in English. Last year, an exchange student on his first visit to the UK from Hong Kong won our Freshers’ Cup, which goes to show that it shouldn’t really matter much.

See you soon mate.



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